The TPAR- Taxable Payment Annual Reporting

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The TPAR- Taxable Payment Annual Reporting

Are you in any of the following businesses?

✴️Building and Construction Services
✴️Cleaning Services
✴️Courier Services
✴️Road Freight Services
✴️Information Technology (IT) Services
✴️Security, Investigation or Surveillance Services

COMPLUSORY Reporting for you.(TPAR reporting)
The TPAR tells ATO about payments that are made to contractors for providing services. Some government entities also need to report the grants they have paid in a TPAR.
Contractors can include subcontractors, consultants and independent contractors. They can be operating as sole traders (individuals), companies, partnerships or trusts.
For more information CALL SSK Accountants in Dandenong, Victoria ☎️ 03 8759 0629.
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